- Free 45 minute consultation– Meet with the therapist, discuss your concerns, and determine if an evaluation is needed. If you or your dependent has already received the results of an evaluation, discuss the results and decide on a treatment plan that works for you.
- Speech evaluation– This type of evaluation is intended for individuals who are difficult to understand due to sound omissions or substitutions, but otherwise have strong receptive and expressive language skills. A written report of evaluation findings will be provided.
- Comprehensive speech and language evaluation– This assessment procedure includes a combination of parent or caregiver interview, observation, and standardized assessment procedures. Areas assessed may include articulation, receptive language (what the individual understands), expressive language (how well the individual can convey his/her meaning either verbally or non-verbally), mean length of utterance, social use of language, oral-motor function, ability to follow directions, and sentence structure and grammar. A written report of evaluation findings will be provided.
- 30 minute or 50 minute treatment sessions in your home– Treatment will be individualized, client-directed, and family centered. Caregivers are considered a key piece of each treatment session and the overall treatment plan.